In order to qualify for admission to any CNA program you must clear a background check that is free of felonies or prohibited offences. Check here for a list of prohibited offenses.
To get a background check by the Pennsylvania State Police, you must also complete a “Verification of Pennsylvania Residency” form. You will find the form on the Police site.
You can submit the application yourself directly to the state police for a fee of $22.00.
If you do chose to do it yourself, we need to receive the original State Police report from you before you can start classes.
Make sure that you submit the SP 4-164 which can be found on the police website. This is the form for verification for EMPLOYMENT. Other forms used for Child Abuse Clearance or Voluntary Work Clearance are NOT Acceptable. If you submit one of those you will be required to resubmit the CORRECT one.
Once you receive the report you can attach it to your application before submitting it and bring the original on the first day of class.
If you would like us to do it for you, please provide the requested information on your application. A $30 fee will be added to your fees.
NOTE: If you have lived in the State of Pennsylvania for less than two years, you will have to submit to an FBI background check. We can help guide you through this process. This may take two weeks or more so make sure you get it done well in advance of your start date. Students will NOT be admitted to class without a clean, current criminal background check